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Vintage Report 2024

Riesling Fruit

A dry start to the season saw one of the earliest vintages on record. Record temperatures and revolving heatwaves made ripening conditions difficult. Spring and the lead into summer was dry with our last significant rainfall in September. However, quality looked good, but volume was down.

The earliest vintage previously was 21st Feb in 2007 however this year we started on Feb 7th. The earliest on record. We weren't alone the whole state started 3 weeks earlier than usual. The heat wave started at the end of January and every week we had temperatures reaching 40 degrees. The grapes started to simply shrivel on the vine accounting for volume loss within the winery.

We had some back packers to help for this week, which was great, but they soon moved on to full time work. We struggled to find any more. Heaps of backpackers around but all refusing casual work and only looking for full time work. A first for me? We made the decision to moved forward with just the two of us.

First, we picked the Chardonnay, Pinot and Muller all in one week. The Muller volume was down almost 30%. It is normal for Muller to struggle in hot conditions. However, it looks good in tank and I am supa excited for this wine. The Chardonnay looked good, and we have a normal volume and is now resting in some nice new barrels going through Malolactic fermentation. Followed by Pinot Hand Picked. Unfortunately, we are down almost 50% on Pinot this year as this is another variety which dislike the heat.

Another heat wave with temperatures hitting 44 degrees in Mount Barker. A major bush fire Green Ranges caused Smokey nights when the sea breeze came in. You could see the smoke blume from satellite.

The following week we picked Riesling the standout variety in the vineyard. Looks stunning in tank and a reasonable volume too! Temperatures started to drop and then 36 or 38 started looked normal. But not for long and temps hit 40+ again including 45 degrees where so many local schools were shut down for the day. Crazy!!

Next was all our small blocks of reds to come in before the March Long weekend. Cab Franc, Merlot and a Block of Shiraz. Again, smaller volumes than usual but look good in tank.

After the Long weekend we pressed out those reds and put them straight to barrel. By this stage the birds started to come in and eat the grapes, so we put nets on our Shiraz block.

That weekend Adam Morris and his film crew filmed some scenes for his up-and-coming movie Frederickstown. So cool!! Don't want to give anything away but our Dam and winery will be featured in it and I can't wait to see the film.

Next it was nets off in the vineyard and shiraz picked plus one block of Cabernet Sauvignon which will be our new sparkling pink! Again, looks good but volume was down.

After a week, we picked the final block of Cab Sauv and pressed the shiraz out. We also do a collaboration project with the local high school and picked their Shiraz which will be Rose. All just before Easter. So we officially finished vintage on March 25th .

A difficult vintage for the whole state of WA but everything looks good in tank and excited to see them bottled later in the year. 

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Vintage Report 2023


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